30% Ruling Survey Survey Guidance Employees who come to work in the Netherlands from another country might be eligible for the special expense allowance scheme: the 30% facility. Settle Service provides a wide range of relocation and immigration services, including the application for the 30% facility. The aim of this survey is to do a first check whether your employee could be eligible for this facility. Start by selecting Yes or No to the below conditions and then press the Start Survey button. Employee is being hired from abroad OR works in the Netherlands and already subject to the 30% ruling. Employee is > 30 years of age, the fiscal salary is minimal € 38.347 per year * OR Employee is < 30 years of age, has a master diploma equally valued to a Dutch master in scientific education, and the fiscal salary is minimal € 29.149 per year. * * based on salary requirements of 2020 Does the employee meet both of the above requirements? Yes No If you are human, leave this field blank. Start Survey